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    if errorlevel == 1 goto success if errorlevel == 0 goto fail. Windows Server Brain. :: Clean up of WSUS Download Directory @echo off delold /q /b /d /s /-c /n:15 %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.* :success postie -host:smtpmail.syngress.com -to: [email protected] -from:" [email protected] " -s:"WSUSCleanup on %computername% was SUCCESSFUL" -nomsg goto eof fail postie -host:smtpmail.syngress.com -to: [email protected] -from:" [email protected] " -s:"WSUSCleanup on %computername% FAILED" -nomsg. Has 0x80070070 ever appeared as the error code under a failed attempt to download an update in your WSUS console? After researching the error and finding it to be disk space-related, the culprit was ironically the WSUS client itself, because the size of the temporary download and installation directory the AU client uses is enormous. By default, the AU client is supposed to auto purge used installation files that are older than 10 days old into its /Download directory located under %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download. However, this does not always happen, thus leaving you with a potential risk for machines with smaller boot drive partitions. To make sure that your temporary downloads directory stays reasonably small, consider using a scheduled script to auto purge the files after a specific amount of time. The following is a script that was developed to accomplish this task. Two shareware utilities—delold.exe and postie.exe—are used to determine the age of the files and to physically delete them, where postie.exe is used as a command-line mail sender to e-mail the results of your clients to you after they run the cleanup job.: This script will quietly (/q) look in the /Download directory (%windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.*), for anything with a creation date (/b) older than 15 days (/n:15), including directories (/d) and subdirectories (/s) and automatically purge them without asking for confirmation (/-c). » Windows Server Update Services. Automatically Cleanup AU Client Downloads.




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    — These 2 take the name of a field to ORDER BY as 4th arg (for sorting siblings) — obsolete: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab(text,int) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’crosstab’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; CREATE TYPE tablefunc_crosstab_4 AS ( row_name TEXT, category_1 TEXT, category_2 TEXT, category_3 TEXT, category_4 TEXT ); CrossTab in PostgreSQL. CREATE TYPE tablefunc_crosstab_3 AS ( row_name TEXT, category_1 TEXT, category_2 TEXT, category_3 TEXT ); CREATE TABLE ct(id SERIAL, rowid TEXT, attribute TEXT, value TEXT); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test1′,’att1′,’val1’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test1′,’att2′,’val2’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test1′,’att3′,’val3’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test1′,’att4′,’val4’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test2′,’att1′,’val5’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test2′,’att2′,’val6’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test2′,’att3′,’val7’); INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES(‘test2′,’att4′,’val8’); Thanks to the good souls who put all this up on the web. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,int,text) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’connectby_text’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; learner Speak. — the generic crosstab function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab(text) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’crosstab’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,int) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’connectby_text’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; For awhile now I have fudged my way around in postgres, whenever I needed a crosstab function . It should be easy to include, I know, but I always put it off. Today I dec > crosstab function in postgres. This is followed by an example of what this function does that you can try out in postgres. Run “tablefunc.sql” to add the crosstab function to postgres: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION normal_rand(int4, float8, float8) RETURNS setof float8 AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’normal_rand’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ VOLATILE STRICT; And if you want to test it/ find out what this function does, here is an example from the postgres manual: — Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created. SET search_path = public; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,text,int,text) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’connectby_text_serial’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; SELECT * FROM crosstab( ‘select rowid, attribute, value from ct where attribute = ”att2” or attribute = ”att3” order by 1,2′) AS ct(row_name text, category_1 text, category_2 text, category_3 text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab3(text) RETURNS setof tablefunc_crosstab_3 AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’crosstab’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab2(text) RETURNS setof tablefunc_crosstab_2 AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’crosstab’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab4(text) RETURNS setof tablefunc_crosstab_4 AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’crosstab’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; — examples of building custom type-specific crosstab functions: CREATE TYPE tablefunc_crosstab_2 AS ( row_name TEXT, category_1 TEXT, category_2 TEXT ); a learner's web journal. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab(text,text) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’crosstab_hash’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION connectby(text,text,text,text,text,int) RETURNS setof record AS ‘$libdir/tablefunc’,’connectby_text_serial’ LANGUAGE ‘C’ STABLE STRICT;




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    I'm looking for the simplest way for Access users to connect to a PostgreSQL database. We will use it as a simple interface for updating data. I would rather not have to make the users install the whole database software, just to be able to connect (remotely) through Access. I can set up a file based connection if I install the official driver (the 32-bit works for me), and IF I have the PostgreSQL database software installed as well. If I only install the odbc-drivers, I cannot create or use a file based connection, only machine based connections. It says it cannot verify the connection. Is this intended? Installing PostgreSQL ODBC driver on windows 10. My idea was to create an Access database with linked tables to the PostgreSQL database, and to use a file based dsn connection so that the users don't have to set up their own machine connections.




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    qt-query? After you know how to intercept and respond to error conditions, you'll build a graphical client (using the Qt GUI toolkit) that will process a single SQL command and display the results in a form that is (hopefully) more attractive than a simple text-based interface. Chapter 10. The PostgreSQL C++ API - libpq++ client1? A simple example that shows how to connect a C++ application to a PostgreSQL database. client2? Next I'll show you how to catch runtime errors that might occur when you are using libpq++. qt-sql? The last client presented in this chapter combines Qt and libpq++ to provide a graphical interactive query processor. When you use the libpq or libpgeasy APIs, you use a collection of data types ( PGresult * , PGconn * , and so on) and functions ( PQconnectdb() , PQexec() , and so on) to perform server operations and obtain results. In contrast, when you use the libpq++ API, you use a small collection of >[1] . [1] If you are a die-hard C programmer (like me), think of a class as a typedef , an object as a variable whose type is the class; data members as…well, data members; and member functions as function pointers stored within a structure. The analogies aren't perfect, and a C++ purist would probably condemn my ancestors and descendants for suggesting them, but I found the comparisons useful when I cut my first C++ teeth. I mentioned in the previous chapter that the libpgeasy API is a wrapper around libpq. The same is true for libpq++?libpq++ is implemented using libpq. You can build PostgreSQL client applications using a variety of programming languages. In Chapter 8, "The PostgreSQL C API?libpq (Client Applications)," and Chapter 9, "A Simpler C API?libpgeasy," you looked at two of the APIs that you can conveniently use from a C program (libpq and libpgeasy). This chapter introduces you to the libpq++ API. libpq++ is an API designed for use from within a C++ client application. To demonstrate the capabilities provided by libpq++, you'll build a number of client applications in this chapter:




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